Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


At first when 17Dropadi released herself from mortal body
His eyes turned dank and grieved along with every body
That silent grief far out-weighed our express lamentation
And his reaction, to be sure, was bepond commensuration,

Why that occasion alone, on every death that followed 
His sarrow though mute was genuine and hallowed 
One after another, when my brothers fell on the way 
The poignancy of his grief was going up every day.

No, its no ordinary dog, judged any standard 
It set a standard even to the bearer of standard 
Is he then my shadow? Nay, greater than alter ego, 
I'm prepared to forgo any thing for this dog ergo.

"Is it wise, tell me Dharmaja to spurn an honour rare 
Any man forgoes for it the most cherished without care 
Ponder over it unbiased and honour this divine honour 
Which alone keeps aloft your Dharma and its banner."

17. the wife of Pandavas

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