Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


"It's Sir, here I agree to disagree with any authority
Every object casts a shadow, but the object takes priority
They are but inseparable, can't be kept apart torn
Likewise, I can't go leaving this steadfast dog forlorn"

"Would you then dare discarding the 18Indra's command 
And welcome his wrath followed by many a reprimand? 
How could you expect safety under the roof of one 
If you displace him by disobedience, even for fun?

No no, its neither disobedience, nor culpable crime 
Understand, Dharma never forgets its 19Swadharma any time 
Nor could it be tempted by any much coveted prize, 
It sacrifices all for its own sake, but never for praise.

"Have I to pass this on, and shall I go back alone now"? 
"With pleasure you can, for the trouble taken, to you I bow. "
"So to say, for the sake of dog you forgo an honour divine." 
"So for this noble friend and more for his fidelity canine."

18. the King of gods ... 
19. one's own duty ... 

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