Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


"Hear me dear brothers and sisters of this holy city, 
Near me, you the hapless luckless victims of 1maya 
Allow me to anoint you to be freed from 2soka or its 3chaya" 
Standing atop a tower, a youth spoke with utmost tenacity.

"Know you not the vessel you've boarded is sinking 
Caught in the mid-sea by tempests, it's terribly rocking 
Encircled by alligators, waiting for en masse engulfing 
And the yawning whirlpools to hydrate you before gulping.

Neither can you hoodwink death, nor cross 4samsara sagara
Turn anywhere, you see nothing but 5duhkha and 6vichara
Life subjected to suppression and oppression of every kind
Making the existence miserable, leaving no peace to mind ,

To rescue you from the vicious circle and profer relief 
And secure 7jivanmukti by landing you ashore the 8ananda sagara Unconditional total surrender's the only means that confers relief Listen to that secret means to attain 9Vishnu, the 10karuna sagara.


1. delusion that plays a major role in leading or misleading people according to their acts of previous births . . 
2. grief resulting from ones commissions . . 
3. reflected image ... 
4. ocean of family and applies to cycle , f births and deaths ,. 
5. sorrow
6. care and worry . . 
7. emancipation from desires , 
8. ocean of happiness . . 
9. Lord of the Universe .. 
10. one of compassion . 

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