Here's that elixir - a sure remedy to cure all the ills
A divine ambrosia that rings out all your grinding ills
A potent chant that rings in 11manassanti and its allies
An all-protective armour to shield from dangerous follies.
now, 12OM NAMO NARAYANAYA that opens the gates of Heaven Practise
this 13astakshari that entitles you to sure Heaven
Broadcast this aloud for mankind to be ushered into Heaven
Propagate it to be guaranteed for ever the blissful Heaven.
As the tempo of his 14vakdhati mounted higher and faster
Crowds swelled in and started muttering it anon to master
Then came there a gang yelling out, "Down you silly lad"
Sooner than landed, he was escorted to the 15Guru to be mauled.
11. mental peace ..
12. salutation to the Lord Protector.
13. eight lettered spell considered to be the most potent of all the chants . .
14. eloquence ..
15. preceptor ..