Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


"This much alone I can give now in return for the affection infinite
Thy boneless hand rained on the boys of 1Gokula, bubbling over with mirth 
And being ever lucky to be singled out for favours special infinite
To justify, perhaps, thy attribute, 2Deena bandhu clinging from thy birth

Could you recall dear pal, those honied days suffused with be atitude
When we played hide and seek on the golden sands of 3Kalindi banks
Along with 4Brahma, who joined blindfolded the cowherd boys in multitude 
And drained, to dregs the nectarine idyllic bliss oblivious of ranks.

Can anyone forget those taunting sports you played with many a belle,
Particularly those ,juvenescent ravishing sweeties of the hamlet 5Repalle, 
Who, dancing Tong the paths soaked by the melody of thy flute joined
With joy ecstatic in 6Rasa Lila, when their venial love you deftly purloined.

1. the place Krishna- was brought up . . 
2. relative of the poor and the distressed . 
3. name of the river flowing in Gokula . . 
4. the Creator 
5. name of a small village near Gokula .. 

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