Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


"Here's a fruit divine with quality unique 
Besides being luscious and delicious to taste 
Adds instant vim and vagour to the physique 
And enriches mind with its nectarine taste.

It's accessible to none but one, here or anywhere, 
Should be eaten by one alone in full and all 
Admits no sharing like any other common ware 
A rare 3'gnana phal', hence the craze by all.

"It's meant for one, deemed to be the highest 
Who regards the world's welfare as holiest 
Directed by 4Maharishis as thou art the fittest 
I'm offering," said 5Narada, with intentions best.

"I discern Narada, thy intent of giving it here 
As you do things for general good sans fear 
I take it and watch the drama you wish to enact 
Though it may be," said Maheswar, "a piece concot." 

"It's for me, I'm your pet, claimed 7Shanmuga first 
"I'm the eldest," said 8Vinayaka, "hence the fittest." 
"You the shortest," retorted Muruga unfit to look at it."  
Dare you teach elders," Vinayaka shouted, "You tiny tot."

As each was blaming the other by words slight 
With claims and counters leading to fight 
Maheswar said aloud, "I'll hold for you a test 
And decide as to who between you the fittest.


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