Hindu Ethos In Capsules Volume-I
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Commissioner: Endowments, A.P. 
Hyderabad - 500001.

"HINDU ETHOS - CAPSULES" as the title suggests, brings out the quintessence of Hindu way of life and Indian Culture. Prof. K. K. Moorthy with his vast experience and profound vision translated into scintillating poetry the wisdom of Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas for the benefit of the modern generation, which is unfortunately getting alienated from the supreme source of knowledge in the world. Everyone admits that the spiritual Ethos of Indian life and tradition provide the greatest unifying force for mankind, but unfortunately, the myths and rituals associated with it have obscured its light and distorted its vision. It is Indian philosophy and Hindu Spiritualism that can explain the coot, tent and the purpose of life for happy living in this world.

It is gratifying that Prof. Moorthy has done yeoman service to the modern world by presenting the complex dynamics of life in capsules of condensed thoughts at a time when the world is facing crisis of values and character in the midst of gigantic material achievements. No wonder Dr. Krishna Srinivas, president of World Poetry Society International, USA, has extolled the clarity, piety and inebriating appeal of this book. Prof. Moorthy, an erudite prose writer, has verified the episodes, Concepts and Tales "from our immortal sacred Lore" and offered them to the inquisitive readers, with equally valuable Bonus pieces, very generously. Three could be no better introduction to this book than the penetrating explanatory note the author himself wrote for the benefit of the readers. I was so absorbed in reading this book that I forgot about writing my opinion on the book, till I was seriously reminded by the author. I congratulate the author for this monumental work.

(sd) J. BAPU REDDY, I.A.S.

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