Tales Versified
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Temples Of India


"Leave me please, leave me go, I can't stand any more that sight ghastly Farther off, greater the safety, "cried a 2Sanyasi, when caught by bandits." 
"Tell us what's that sight and how has it robbed thy mind priestly."
Holding the running one on the way, asked thus the notorious bandits

"Ask not the details, nor try to know more about that horrid devil
It wrecks the sublime, ruins the sane and incubates obnoxious evil
Even deadly sins shivering in shoes take to heels out of fright
Why, its omnipotence terrorises the Creator too with its mere sight"

"What! What!! Is there anything in this, or nether or higher world
More formidable than 'We Three'- the cannibals who know no moral
Know nothing but wealth, and for it, ever ready to subvert any moral
If there's one as such show us, else you'll be sent to nether world,"

"Hear me, its grip's terrible that none can be free, if caught 
It's too base to snap holy ties and sets everything at nought 
No one's safe, nor finds peace, if fate hurls into its maze 
Better be off dears, or wish not to grab it, take my advice sage."

2. Sage...


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