Tales Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India



The greatest wonder of wonders in the world is that man-a replica of God himself possessing enviable gifts like reasoning, meditating etc., is swayed, nay, enslaved by motionless, voiceless, lifeless, worthless, straw-made currency notes. He hesitates not to get himself consciously degraded, degenerated, demoralized, dehydrated, and decomposed at the behest of that pulpable paper money. What a fall ! Does this not seem then that the inanimate is making the animate sentient into a nerveless, boneless sack of flesh and blood. Mammon-worshippers are blind to scruples and are worse than the blood-thirsty monsters. See here to what degradation they descended and how they came to their end, all but for money, money. money, and money...


1. The devil Mammon... 

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