Tales Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


"I know my Lord, you certainly deem my demand
Ten thousands a month plus a mansion unreasonable 
A mark of my greediness deserving your reprimand 
But I'll prove that to be just and most reasonable.

The real Prabhu bhakti bursts out, when one is at ease 
Mark it, physically, financially and intellectually 
'Seva' refuses to be weighed against currency like peace 
Reasonable comforts hasten it to the boss faithfully."

"I see reason in thy argument and dignity in demand 
It'll be granted, if only your word culminates in action 
That is enough, my Lord, and now I'm in thy command 
Prepared to discharge duty to your utmost satisfaction.'

"Take that mansion and here is the ring signet 
This instals you as minister and fulfils any need, 
Works it more powerful than the earthly magnet 
So join duty and see our country soon be freed." 


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