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Temples Of India


Sooner the better, but royalty is bereft of such man 
All are selfish and everyone thinks of his own good 
Grief is enveloping, leaving no peace to any man 
Hence my tearful appeal to Mother Kali for general good.

Listening eagerly to the pitiable state of the king 
The minister came to a momentous determination
"If the welfare of the state lies in the welfare of king 
He must be saved at the cost of life's termination.

In that case, why not the king be saved, I be dead 
Deciding, he drew out his sword and thrust into his chest 
I die for the sake of king. crying he fell down dead 
The fake sage, despite standing next could not it arrest.

"Lift him, send for doctor, pour into him all breath 
By his unique prabhu bhakti, he transcended god-hood." 
Shouting thus, the king rushed in to the spot forthwith 
But feeling him cold, he too soon turned dead-wood.


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