are here on this 3punya dharitri many an illustrious 4Rama. who Renouncing
royalty welcomed forest life, dictated by filial piety Born
are her on this 5Karma bhumi many an unparalleled 6Puru, who
Exchanged vibrant youth against ripe age, dictated by filial piety.
are here on this sacred Ind many an inimitable 7Hanuman, who
Plucked out 8Istadaivam from heart, for the sake of 9saranagatha dharma Born are here on this 10Ratnagarbha many an
incomparable 11Arjun, who Sanpped the bonds of consanguinity, for
the sake of saranagatha dharma
are here on this 12Bharatha Khanda, many a unique 13Dharmaj who
Spurned off 14Sajiva swarga prapti, for the sake of steadfast
fidelity Born are here on this 15Nabhivarsha many a unique 16Harischandra, who Sold away wife, son including self, besides 17Rajya, for the sake veracity
3) Sacred
4) 7th incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu.
5) North India.
6) a famous Aryan King.
7) Son of Vayu, who served Sri Rama in exemplary manner
8) One's own choicest deity.
9) rule of refuge.
10) land embodying gems.
11) 3rd of Pandavas.
12) Kingdom of Bharata.
13) eldest of the Pandavas.
14) Attainment of heaven with mortal body.
15) Land of King Nabhi.
16) name of a unique King standing for truth.
17) Kingdom