are here on this 18Jambudvipa, many a matchless 19Dana Karna, who
Gifted away inseperables by peeling off skin on principle of
humanism Born are here on this 20Aryavrata, many a peerlss
21Jeemuthavahan, who Offered whole mass of body to 22Garuda, melted
at its relentless animalism
! these Mahapurushas and their monumental acts of unique sacrifice Wiped
out the streaming tears of unfortunate, meriting such sacrifice And
illumined the ill-fated that in turn illumed the whole world So
turned immortals and stand as beacon lights to guide human
regard for justice, devotion to duty, and love of follow men Though
smothered them with praises and titles both by gods and men The
joy they brought, or peace ushered in barely confined to only some Despite
demonstration of their virtue was spectacularly awe-some.
18) refers to
India, deemed to be the Central division of the world.
19) King of Angadesa, reputed for his gifts.
20) North India.
21) Name of a King.
22) the vehicle of Lord Maha Vishnu.