"What a strange co-incidence your Holiness! you visit me at a time
I've completed that auspicious 1Dwadasavrata in the fixed time
And ready going
with ardent devotees gracing the function for dinner
Kindly accept hospitality
and bless me with thy presence at dinner".
"What else do I want than partaking the fruit of thy 2Naimithika karma
thy devotion to people and dedication to God won an ever green laurel
I deem it
a great honour to dine with you the 3Dharmaswarupa non-pariel
I'll be back
before the 4Punya ghatika's past, after bath-5Nitya Karma."
Considering the sage's visit a bolt form blue, 6Ambarisha made forthwith
arrangements befitting his status, and waited with retinue and kith
But the
short-tempered egoistic sage cared not to honour his word duly,
With the running
of sands, Ambarisha's anxiety reached the meridian duly.
gain the merit of the 7vrata, one must dine before punya ghatika's past
It's a
sastric injunction that confers merit, if only one holds to it fast
dilemma, 8Guru advised 9Vudakaparana-sipping of water by him
Which amounts to
neither dining, nor it allows the merit slip from him.
1) the observance of a religious fast on the twelfth day of fortnight
Occasional rite.
3) incarnation to righteousness
4) auspicious moment.
5) daily
6) a great Valshnavate ruler.
7) religious vow
8) Family Priest.
Sipping of water.