wields power rightly, it yields good returns, and if he shields it well putting
to right use, it seeks him to hold over the all-protective umbrella, to
screening him from every danger arising out of sources, visible or invisible.
The converse, does it need interpretation? God, the Providence provides protection
to the deserving, tho' He munificently promises and extends to every
one all the needed for peaceful, praise-worthy and progressive career. If man
deems the Highest Him as his only safest and surest refuge, He dwells in him to
safeguard his interests round the clock. Nothing ever touches the trusted, and
if blind arrogance dares stepping into that protected area, it is made to bite
the grass. And the Lord humbling is to the last, leaves it to the elements for
others to see and learn. This truth immortal is demonstrated through Ambarish's
victory over the arrogant Durvasa, whose abominate underestimation of devotee's
power at last landed at the latter's feet...