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Temples Of India


1Karna's Dhatrutva

Unkept promises are akin to sea water to thirsty man. Neither it quenches his thirst immediate, nor holds promises to relieve in distant future. If given word is kept up, not only the beneficiary, but the patron too is benefited materially and spiritual too. Worlds honour the patron, and heaven reserves unimaginable gifts. This laudable deed is not as easy as said, or aspired for. It expects absolute selflessness and exacts unendurable physical and mental sacrifices. Hence the tendency to be off from its red zone. But those realising its efficacy, deem it their duty to sacrifice even life to hold on to the word given. It is not for gaining glory; it is for the continuance of harmonious balance existing in the scheme of creation, when justice walks straight, holding head erect, and spilling unadulterated bliss at every step. Justice and Dharma make the world revolve on its axis. The illustrious 2Harischandra stands a beacon light; and Karna with his monumental trait of gifting and keeping up word shines alone as bright star among the datas. For 'how' read now ....


1) Karna's bounteous generosity. 
2) name of King renowned for truthfulness. 

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