Lounging over a cushioned chair on the balcony of 3 Dharubhavan
Karna was watching the colourful panorama one summer even
When home bound birds with song sweet and beasts with dashing gait
Made him oblivious of environs, and 4Kaladevatha's graceful gait
Robbing the
Nature's rosy mantle, violent winds anon tossed up clouds,
Pitying man as it were, lighting soon tearing them apart and hurled
Running helter skelter the forlorn black pieces twirled and twirled,
Till they dripped nectar down to the joy of earth's sweltering surrounds.
came there his body grard with the news of a waiting 5Somayaji
A purohit of
great fame living in a nearby hamlet called 6kambhoji
With a suppliciation to
supplying of dried and inflammable firewood
For kitchen use on the next day's
wedding of his only son named 7Anirud.
you know", he said, "Karna never sends any 8arthi discontented
there anyone denied anything so far, or gone home anytime grunted
Whenever, or
wherever :'m, I'll give, give and live only to give
Alleviation of misery's my mission, and my gospel is live to relieve".
abode built of wood
4) goddess of Time.
5) a brahmin adept in guiding sacrifice etc,
6) name of a village.
7) name of man.
8) supplicant.