Hindu Ethos In Capsules Vol-Two
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Editor-in-Chief: POET, International Co-Founder : World Congress of Poets founder-President : World Poetry Society Editorial Consultant : Who is who in International Poetry, Cambridge.

In the first volume of his "Hindu Ethos in Capsules", Prof. Moorthy had scaled a new high in philosophical writings.

But in this second volume, he reaches a pinnacle of his creative sweeps.

His poetic pourings make one shudder at his Knowledge. Each verse speaks volumes on godly devotion. God can be reached only by repeated chants, furied Love and fevered flight of feelings. Absolute and total surrender to His Will and each act dedicated to Lord - these alone ensure a mortal's Liberation from human bondage.

Prof. Moorthy gives extensive lyrical outburts that would inspire any reader to make a real search to reach Ultimate Reality.

He brings in all the unexcelled Excellences of Concepts to bear testimony to his declarations.

Here is a book to be read over and over again and avidly treasured up. Even those who have read the eternal Deep, haunted by the Eternal Mind, many poems offer Illumination that will pave ways to be Eternitied.

(Sd.) Krishna Srinivas,
27th June, 1989.


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