Hindu Ethos In Capsules Vol-Two
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Professor M.V.Rama Sarma

M A., Ph. D. (Wales ), Hon. D. Litt (Andhra)
Formerly Vice-Chancellor,
S. V. University,

Hindu Ethos in Capsules, Vol. Two, promises to be equally good as the first volume. It takes us through the whole gamut of our glorious past stressing the significant deeds of our gods and goddesses, saints an-: savants, in establishing righteousness, peace and harmony in this corporeal world. Professor Moorthy obviously wants to communicate our profound morn truths in simple guise. The attempt is laudable.

The Capsules recapitulate our myths and legend, embodying our rich cultural religious heritage. Written it pleasant, readable style the Capsules emphasize trans cendence and spiritual enlightenment. In this modern age,  works of this type are desirable and delectable.

(Sri.) V. Rama Sarma 



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