The word MIRACLE works miracles of different kinds in persons,
depending upon their mental make up. If uttered before a science oriented mind, you hear instant bah bah', followed by a volley of
pungent verbiage directed straight against you, but the same has a
different reaction on a god intoxicated man. You see him, to your
surprise, joining of hands, and closing of eyes simultaneously. All at
once too. And to ! it culminates in his looking heavenwards and
mumbling, "My Lord ! infinite are thy sports and incomprehensible are
their manifestations." To be true, his pronouncement is genuine and
constant, whereas the scientific brain that overtly rejects the superiority of anything other than
'test-tube-truth', covertly confesses
the existence of the mysterious superior powers-the cause for every
movement of a blade of grass even, which his computerized
telescope or microscope could not gaze at. This establishes man's
nothingness against Almighty's omnipotence. Hence the
phenomenon of miracles goes on miraculously, and stays on
permanently. Decide, who tops whom-religionist over scientist, or...