One such miracle touched the dark fringe of my- life, and
effected a sublime change in my otherwise dull, dreary 50 odd
summer old existence. It occurred last year thus-just before
submitting the type script of my Hindu Ethos in Capsules Vol. I for
financial aid, a well-meaning associate said, "What poetry ! Religious
themes at it. You'll come to grief". He cited the case of one, whose ardor for popularization of culture ended in regrets. Yet, I did for
keeping up the prior promise. Well, with, Balaji's boundless grace, it
was printed. A great miracle indeed ! The response from scholar critics and men with theistic leanings was overwhelming.
Acknowledging its merit, one exuberant exultation ended, "Work
more on such themes; they deserve attention". It exhilarated me,
since it came from one whose zeal for furtherance of our glorious
culture is monumental, humanist approach to the writers is singular,
and above all his 'say' in granting AID is final. Always. Yet, I was in a
fix; for, the sales proved discouraging. The promise by a distributor
together with that counsel of my benefactor whetted my appetite
for further composition. By MOTHER'S grace soon it reached a point,
adequate for publication of second volume.