I sought again help, in all earnestness from the selfsame person.
A greater miracle greeted. "I'll look to it" was the quick reply. On the
following day, my enquiry met with a surprise of surprises. 'AID' was
granted. I deemed this to be the greatest miracle ! Inspite of the
fact, I have to add
more to the meagre aid and profit too uncertain, my religious
fervour took to wing anon. Result : Release of Vol. II, adorning
your hands now.
but due to benevolent attitude taken by Sri. I.L.N Sastry, who
merits whole-hearted, soulful, sincere most gratitude; but for him
neither my pen could have moved, nor this reached you. My obeisance
to him. I express my genuine thankfulness to the members of the
Experts Committee, who ungrudgingly lent their voice for the
approval of grant