The Pushpak Viman that conveyed Sri Rama and his party from Lanka to Ayodhya did
not even by mistake utter: " House Full". It obliged every seeker an
supplication with instant admission. The literature visualizing the glory of
Bhagavan Balaji barred not admission of my addition, bulky or slim, m any
languge or genre down the ages Every fresh flow is enriching that mighty ocean,
yet its intake capacity readied ad the point of satiation. Doesn't the maxim - 'As
me lamp lights up another, nor grows less' divulge this truth? Hence the
occasion for my addition.
some recent publications essayed honestly and adequately to filling up the
information gap by supplying correct and ready guidance for carefree and easeful
visits to the tourists, the theists are left in the lurch; for, their souls
longing for basic information is not furnished. Of cause, there are very many
books available in all languages ready to succor assistance, but they are unduly
long and 'tediously instructive' to use Milton's phrase. A single perusal,
offering simple, yet ample information is the need of the hour. A craze of the
pilgrims too.
read and realize, whether the booklet adorning your hands suffices the purpose
in all its aspects by answering every query likely to surface during your trip
to the Seven Hills, for the eyeful darsan of that Parabrahmam abiding in Ananda
Nilaya for instant emancipation m absolute, unconditional, tight - upped and
palms-joined surrender, accepting fully the fruit of Nishkama Karma, as preached
by Jagadguru Sri Krishna, who manifested himself in the archa form of Sri
Venkateswara at Tirumala.