to the theme, I had a doubt that my venture may exemplify truth of the adage 'Fools
enter where angles fear to tread' but the incessant persistence of
well-meaning friend shattered it to shreds last month, when he promised to take
up the role of distributor. This fortified the suggestion of a book seller, who
exhorted me to bring out me book on the glory of Tirupati as for back as in
1986, on settling down at Tirupathi after retirement. Well, TIME has come
and Bhagawan's Kataksha signalled me to take off. Work began and in 10 days time
the manuscript reached the Janadeep Graphics for laser work. Art work, plates
collection etc. followed is quick succession preparing it four set press work.
it is an occasion for rejoicing. Shouldn't I feel then it, my bounden duty to
thank profusely many authors both in English and Telugu whose efforts lighted up
my path and lessened the tension? Two recent publications - Come, let us go to
Tirupathi and A hand book m Tiruapthi helped me immensely an matters connected
with conveyance, lodging, timings, sevas and the like. I thank them again for
the fine work done to the utmost satisfaction of the visiting devotees, which
incidentally accelerated the progress my composition and publication. I owe my
genuine gratitude to Janadeep Graphics for executing work to our satisfaction,
putting the computer techniques to the maximum utility to making the work
readable and worthy of preservation. And to the entrepreneurs, who graciously
obliged with ads.
I express, my soulful obeisance to the triple deities - Mother Sarada, the
Jnanasakti aspect of Pranavaswarupini Adiparasakti, Balaji, the Parabrahmam and
Sri Kanteswar my Ilavelpu whose apara Karunakataksha has been flowing down my
pen, ever since I staged waking on temple books in 1986 and enabled me to basket
25 flowers so far. Offering prostrations, I lay down my pen awaiting your
reaction for improvement of the book m any aspect, promising full assurance of
incorporating it in the subsequent editions. Please do.