Major Sections
Temples Of India


" Good evening Mr. Benarji and everyone. The taxis are ready out side. Shall we start instantly?"

" Why not ? Youngsters are on the tip-toe of expectation from 3-30 itself, and looking for you only."

" Good! hear me now, of the items to be seen priority must be given to the thirthas. And there are many scattered over this hills. As the whole region was sanctified by the Padasparsa and habitation by Bhagavan Balaji, every inch of this land is sacred, and the objects are embodying Bhagadamsas. Ramanuja, the illustrious exponent of the Visishtadwaita Philosophy climbed to the sannidhi on knees from Alipiri. Do you know why?"

"What on knees!! Fantastic!! unimaginable it shouds"

"Yes Madam. It is a fact and none but godmen can undertake. He did, well I wish to say an important thing before hand. I am taking you only to six thirthas deemed holiest and at everyone of them, you have to take a few drops of water and sprinkle over your head to partake the divinity enshrined in them. This symbolic act tantamounts to bathing in them according our scriptures. It is only after that you can sip a few drops so that your whole inside gets purified. Hope all of you do this without forgetting. I will explain their significance briefly only for saving time to cover all, hope you agree."


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