This penta syllabic word "NAMASIVAYA", consisting of 10 letters is
a potent chant with deep mystic significance. It simply means "I bow to Siva",
but it is endowed with such mysticism and infinite power that it blesses the
chanter with an invulnerable armour that he comes out victorious in every
venture he undertakes. Normally it is imparted to the disciple or sadhaka by the Guru - preceptor at the time of
initiation to join into the fold of Saivism. The sadhaka is enjoined to chant it
prefixing it, with the pranava AUM invariably. Hence twice blessed - two
flowers at a single pick, in a way. Importantly, it is one of the three Saiva
emblems, the others being smearing of sacred ash and wearing of Rudraksha
mala, going by the name of visible emblems discussed above. And the
panchakshari is a mental one, so invisible.
A peep into the depth of meaning of each syllable visualizes its, inner
potentialities and vine powers. The syllable `YA' placed at the end stands for the
soul and yearns to attain oneness with SI, the third syllable representing Siva;
VA, the fourth syllable stands for the grace that comes only from SI preceding it; but its knowledge is fettered by MA, the bond, binding one to this mundane
world; the first syllable NA signifies the power of obscuration which causes the
soul YA to be bound and obscures its vision.