Lord Siva Of Sri Kalahasthi
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Let us enter now the main mandir through the Palgar mandap commencing with the Jalakoti mandap. There lies to the left of the first entrance of garbha griha, the holy icon of Surya Bhagawan and offering prayers to the Karmasakshi, visitors avail the darsan of the presiding deity. The archamurti - the sacred Vayulinga is about four feet in height and installed on a high pedestal. It is facing west and there in this spacious garbha griha, the worshipful Vayulinga is found adorned with a metal kavacha, so fashioned that a serpent rising from the panavatta goes up to protecting the top with its five hoods, as it were. In addition, it bears the distinct marks of the white tusks and spider on its surface, signifying the inimitable boundless compassion of the Lord, who emancipated the elephant, serpent and spider at this sacred spot. The artistic decoration with garlands heightens its visual appeal. The statue of Kannappa is also installed here. Another remarkable, rather the most indispensable worth observing feature here is the eternal fluttering of the oil lamps hung up to the right of the adorable archamurti, establishing the fact that Sri Kalahasteewar linga is Vayulinga. 


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