Descending, we have to
proceed to the rear of her sannidhi to witness an apurva darsan of Mother with
three faces, standing for the three distinct manifestations of Ichchasakti,
Kriyasakti and Gnanasakti. It is an excellent carving on the floor and is
decorated with enticing designs and also floral decorations having earthern
lamps kept at several points around. Before coming out of the mandir, seeing of
the Addalapadakatillu - the sayanagara of the Adidampatis is a must. Every night
the Utsavamurthi of Lord Siva is brought here after all the prayers and placed
and it is taken back in the morning. Barren women offer prayers here for
santanaprapti, and when obtained, they redeem the vows with donation of cradles.
So large number of them are seen hung up to the ceiling. With this, all the
places of worth visitation and adoration inside are over.
there lie some more worshipful gods beyond the southern mahadwara. Soon after
crossing the Dakshinadwar, there greet several rest houses built by the temple
authority and the T.T.D, Tirupati for the accommodation of pilgrims, intending
to stay a couple of days for offering special prayer service.