august history of Mother Kanyakaparameswari has sanctified the numerous pages of
sacred works and literary classics, like Skanda Purana, Vysya Purana, Sri Vasavi
Kanyaka Purana, Arya Pravarakhanda, Vysyadharma Prakasika: Srirnat Kanyaka
Purana. Vysya Charitra, Vysya Jaatiya Janma Rahasyam, in addition to finding its
mention in the Rig Veda and Srimadbhagavatgita, the integral part of the great
epic Mahabharata. Several literary treatises in all languages embody abundant
corpus testifying to its hoary antiquity and immaculate glory due to its
association with the Triad, instrumental for the creation, protection and
these hoary books narrate that Salankyana mahamuni narrated this legend to Vvsya
munis once in Naimisarayana, congregated then to participate in a Mahayagna
performed for Viswasanti by the sages, attended by almost all the prominent
Maharshis of yore.