The glory of our
dynasty will last as long as the Sun and Moon - the pratyaksha
daivams. Being a woman of immaculate past and endowed with enviable
attributes, I have born to you. Certainly I will add lustier to
father's magnanimous life and commendable ruler ship. Our family and
its sacrifice wilt become standing specimens of adorable virtues for
yugas to come. Believe that we will be adored for ever. Shed
unnecessary fear and stop worrying about my safety. Be assured, I
will not allow chat wicked emperor's shadow too approach near
added, "Know you well Mother dear, if any impious lustful eye
fails upon a woman's pure, virtuous body, it loses all its powerful
strength - papapurusha kamadrishti defiles the woman's divine
chastity, and leaves a scar on her spotless body; it is well-known,
chastity is invincible and its flame inextinguishable.