My body
having been made impure by the emperor's lascivious
eyes and voluptuous thoughts is unfit to be married to any man as
you suggested to father. Matrimonial ties are too divine and
powerful that bind man-woman for seven births and remain unstained
despair voyaging under adverse weather over the turbulent waters of
the ocean of life. It is a saptajanmabandha and in every birth it
gets fortified with the saptapathi ritual before homagunda and
sanctified by the chants of sacred scriptures by the Veda pundits.
This vivaha bandha neither can be forged by dictatorial tones, nor
snapped by willful immature thoughts. As they are pre-ordained, no
force on earth can effect any alteration. Solemnized at the right
moment by the right persons, they gain invincible might that they
change even the course of planets or fates of the highest