He expects nothing,
nor does He in need of anything. Soulful prayers take us nearer to Him and plant
us at His lotus feet. We require nothing than this. So start praying, placing
your heart as a flower at His feet. Then remains the resolutions for future
actions. They depend on the past. So begin recollection.
When you look back upon the programme of work done and the progress achieved,
the first thing that strikes your vision is the holy and homely image of your
mother, wrapped up in celestial splendour. You see her comely face wreathed in
soft sweet smiles and her long-stretched down-bent right hand raining 'manna'
as it were. for your cheerful and carefree life. What a sight? Forget not, she
is the living Goddess, combining in herself the sacred functions of friend,
philosopher and guide. Do prostrate, and be devoted to her for ever and ever,
and ever ....