is nothing but gross ignorance that distinguishes one from the other, with a
view to label certain types of work as noble and others ignoble, some to be
extolled and others despised. On closer examination, every job, even sweeping,
or cleaning, for that matter, is found to be exceedingly essential, good, noble
and praise-worthy. It contributes its quota of service for the general good of
society and to the total effect of its progress. What else does the dignity of
labour teach us then? Hence, develop love for labour to which you are cast. Love
of labour is a supreme virtue. Cultivate it, advocate it and be emulated.
only classification that it admits is - mental work and physical work. The
former presses into service the skills of the mind, both self-acquired and
god-given, whereas the latter extracts the strength and sustenance of the
physical body. The gifts of mind are hard to acquire and praise-worthy to
possess. They symbolize the height of culture one has attained. Being rare and
precious, they are in great demand in the market. They fetch higher wages and
yield lasting results. Their potency being infinite and utility, eternal, they
render service to the whole humanity and for centuries
to come, even. On the other hand, physical powers are short-lived and limited.
Hence cheap, in a way.