The disciplined speech for example, entrances the listeners and can
even change the dynamic into static and the static into the other. The
disciplined character, meaning thereby sum total of well-developed and
nobly-groomed traits not, only impresses angels, but also make them serve you at
your door. The disciplined person, therefore, cares none, fears nothing and
expects nothing.
sole subject, concludes Lord Tennyson, lies in the performance of his duty
regardless of its consequences, in one of his immortal poems called "The
Charge of Light Brigade". Duty expects no interpretation, nor alteration in
the mode of execution to suit one's whims and fancies. It demands total self
effacement, together with absolute, unqualified and ungrudging surrender to the
master. Doubting the legitimacy, or questioning the genuineness of the order is
the deadliest foe of discipline. Speculation about its outcome should not be
allowed to peep into the performance. Only "Do or Die" attitude should
pervade the whole atmosphere i.e., questioning 'Why' or 'let me think' stance be
banished once for all. The 'Ever Ready Spirit' is the soul of discipline. Such
attitude brings laurels to the disciplined and make them the pillars of light,
for the whole mankind. Their glory will never fade, nor is their action forgotten
poet sings in praise of 'The Light Brigade' - a battalion of ideal soldiers,
numbering barely 200, that won everlasting glory during the Crimean war, when
the Allied Forces fought against Russia in 1854. They were a disciplined body of
cavaliers who breathed in discipline and breathed out loyalty. They proclaimed,
"Ours is not to make reply, or reason why, ours is only to do and die"
Marvelous! Are they not the personification of discipline? They were prepared to
ride into the 'Valley of death' or 'the mouth of Hell', at any time without any
sign of disobedience. So their name went down in history as an unparallel
example of loyalty and discipline. Besides, glory, honour and immortality went
to live with them for ever.