The Temples Of North-West India
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Temples Of India

The Citadel of Sikhism


The story goes that Atal Rai, son of Har Govind, the sixth Guru, a nine year old buy performed a miracle of restoring to life a close dead friend. As it was against the Sikh tradition, ho immolated himself, when chastised, and later was given the title of BABA. A fitting memorial-an octogonal nine-storied tower representing his nine year life was built by the grateful people. The inner walls arc decorated with frescoes depicting the life of Nanak. A worth sexing place lying near the Mandir. Devout public miss not this memorial.

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About Amritsar
The Gurudwara
The Holy Book...Pg1
The Holy Book...Pg2
The origin of the Book.Pg1
The origin of Amritsar..Pg1
The origin of Amritsar..Pg2
The origin of Amritsar..Pg3
The origin of Amritsar..Pg4
Jalianwala Bagh Monument
Durga Temple
You are Here! Baba Atal Rai Tower