munificent showering of blessings on her devotees is so timeless and
certain that soon she became the household deity `in. the Himalayan
region. As she withholds nothing, nor denies anything to the devotee
at any time, or in any place, none returns depressed; or hope-lost.
For everything, like passing examination, improving business,
celebrating marriage, securing job, curing disease, obtaining mental
peace, seeking conjugal harmony and the like, people approach her,
worship her, shed tears of joy when prayers are answered, and also
cry for hurling them across the ocean of worries gnawing at their
vitals. Their tearful appeals are heard and dispensed with in
accordance with the merits. The fruitful results enjoyed are making
the supplicants visit year after year with unbounded joy, and utmost
devotion. A visit showers instant results. Now remains the means of
approach to her holy feet.