as hailed by many is a veritable open-air museum treasuring up both
man-made marvels and God-created wondrous beauties of infinite
variety. It is the abode of illustrious rulers, dauntless warriors
peerless humanists, selfless saviors, celebrated preachers, renowned
philosophers and exemplary leaders of interplanetary eminence. Even
the celestials yearned to be born here and they descended again and
again to demonstrate the sacredness of the soil and sanctity of the
atmosphere. The places of their birth, living ,
wandering and death yet retain some flavor in the form of monuments
and memorials scattered all over the land. Moreover, Godmen - the
humanist sages embodying bhagavadamsas sanctified the whole of
Jamhudvipa by moving from place to place before settling down
finally at various places to make themselves accessible to all
classes of people. Being the repositories of knowledge, custodians
of Dharma
and hoary culture, they guided mankind by their sane preachings and
immortal writings. Realizing their superhuman powers. rulers
willingly and wholeheartedly sought their counsels and made them
kulagurus for consultations and ministrations. Nothing went
amiss, nor did calamities over take the country during the reign of
such illustrious rulers or benevolent dictators in some cases.