The artistry of the priests is so superb, that the Lord
appears as prince. hunter, ascetic, smiling kid etc., and these eyeful forms are
changed in quick succession in consonance with the type of seva the devotees
desire for, of course on payment of the prescribed fee. To be frank with the
consummate make up of the icon with amazing swiftness by the priests defies
description and transports the viewers to ethereal worlds and remains in their
minds for ever.
The rituals observed are elaborate and time-consuming. As this
deity is abhishekapriya, as many as twelve types of abhishekas bathing the deity
is performed. They are - Palabhishekam, Pannerabhishekam, Annadhana abhishekam,
Honeyabhishekam Panchamrita abhishekam, Vibhuti abhishekam, Jalaabhishekam,
Ikshurasaabhishekam, Phalarasaabhishekam, Naarikelajalabhishekam, Tailabhishekam and Dravyappodi