Pujas - Timingss
There are six types of prayer services - six pujas, like
vizha puja first, Kaalasanthi at 8 am, sirukasasanthi at 9 am, Uchchaikaalam at
12 noon, Sayarash at 5.40 pm and Rakkalalam at 8 pm. They are offered everyday
in unbroken regularity.
The number of abhishekams offered to this Lord everyday
defies counting. It is estimated that on the Karthigai day itself, more than 700
abhishekams are performed. Knowledgeable people say that this unique of uniques
alone is the cause of the temple's unprecedented popularity and the Lord's
inexplicable glory. Why should there be such a craze for this abhishek kriya and
where does it spring from needs some explanation now?