of this kshetra dates back to Tretayuga and it is said that Sri Rama visited
this thirtha kshetra along with Mother Sita. And worshipped this Temple's
Spatica Linga installed by bali Chakravarthy. The other plus point it claims is
river Krishna flows in northern direction instead of the usual eastern. Hence
sanctity immense. It is believed that sins committed knowingly or unknowingly
will be purged of with a single bath It embodies another unique feature of
linking Tritayuga with Kaliyuga. Legends narrate that Viswakarma built a golden
temple realising its sacrosanct glory. Krishna Mahatya eulogizes it, with the
episode of Bali Chakravarthi's installing crystal linga now worshipped in the
Mukteswara temple.
Bhavani's shrine is quite ancient and was endowed lavishly
by the ruling princes. The sthalapurna claims its construction
to the devout king Narasimha Padmanabha belonging
to Aiteya dynasty. Having enjoyed liberal royal partronage,
it is architecturally imposing in dimensions and sculpturally
enticing. There are many inscriptions testifying to its
splendid past. The Mother's icon is superbly sculptured and her
pleasant facial features are quite arresting and so win admiration
by every one. The floral decoration interspersed with glittering
jewels is enchanting and raises hands in veneration. Satwika
puja is offered daily and she is madhuraahra priya. Periodical festivals are
celebrated with unbounded zeal.
It is accessible by bus from the near by towns.