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The legend of Brahmarambika is both fascinating and soul-lifting and embodies a moral that internal beauty is far superior to external. Brahmarambika is one among the eighteen manifestations of Sakti. And she was extremely beautiful at it Her ravishing beauty attracted Lord Siva, on meeting her once When two pairs of eyes met, she was found to be swayed away by the Lord's simplicity hovering over the regality of his manohararupa. Observing, the Lord said pointing to a bramara - honey bee flitting about there, that he would marry her, if only she followed it to the place of its rest. She agreed to the condition laid down and at once implemented it with great tenacity. Moving fast, she followed it upto this spot where it rested after years of flying.

Then the Lord appearing in the from of an old man said, "I have grown sufficiently old during the years of your search. And so I am not now fit for marriage". Yet she accepted him more for love than the transitory youth. Hadn't she consented when said? Did she not lose her heart when met? As she followed the Bramara, she is called Bramarambika.

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