The very reminiscence of Srisailam feasts the ears with a melody of hymnal
music, recalling to mind a wide variety of enchanting Sivalilas, like his
marrying Bramarambika one of the manifestos of Mother Sati; appeasing the
causeless anger of Subrahmanya; granting the boons of Parvatha and Nandiswara;
lifting Chandravathi, and his amorous dalliance with Chancheeta etc., that send
thrills in the spines while the souls feel wafted towards the mount Kailas
unknown to themselves.
Meandering along its picturesque zigzag Mountain path, if
the devotees sight the tall imposing temple tower even from miles afar, they
enjoy the thrill of attaining the Sayujya Mukti, and involuntarily utters "Harahara
mahadeva" that marks the consummation of the lifelong ambition of seeing
that holiest of the holy thirtha kshetra luring lacs of theists of all
denominations since the ageless time. As this sacred kshetra enshrines one of
the Dwarasa jyothirlingas, reverentially called the Linga Chakravarthi by the
Jangama Priests, in addition to being one of the eighteen principal Sakti-Peethas
with the 'Brahmarambika' worshipped as the manifestation of Sakti, it is deemed
one of the much sought after centres of pilgrimage for both Sakteyas and
Saivates since the Tretayuga.