It is only with
the abundant mercy of Mother Sarada, man realises the importance of everything
including that of the august Trio, responsible his creation, protection and dissolution
why, it is why her blessings alone, he thinks, expresses, converses and makes a
dignified living. But, it is a pity that he did not erect exclusive, magnificent
shrines befitting her position, power and personal glory. Through this
ingratitude excelled the Everest in its altitude, she is lighting up the Janana
Jyothi embedded in the ungracious bodies, from a very few of her abodes built for
the entire Bharat Khand. Among them one is in Kashmir, and another at Basara in
Andhra Pradesh State merit mention. Excepting a few built recently. And they too
are not matching in architectural grandeurs and sculptural splendour to the
benedictions, sheds conferring. When will this grievous fault be righted? From
which source it emanates, is a thing to be seen and awaited with baited breath.
Till then, let us be contented with offering soulful prayers to these unique
holy Basara thirtha kshetra goes by another honorific name - Vyasapuri, on
account of Vyasa maharshi's living and doing penance here. And so it was called
Vasara in the past, but later become popular as Basara due to the impact of
Maharastrians and their language.