Strange to note, that such a popular deity with an unprecedented fantastic
background originally belongs to Ceylon and it chose an auspicious occasion to
cross the waters and land at Dhanushkoti, where millions of sacred rivers merge
in the Ratnakara the Bay of Bengal. According to legend when Sri Rams the seventh
incarnation of Sri Mahavishnu invested a valorous prince of Simha dynasty with
the office of keeping guard over the holy Ramalingeswara along with 14000 Hara
lingas, the redoubtable goddess Ma Paudi variously known as Mandaleswari,
Hingulakhi etc , one of the chief manifestations of Mother Parvathi, appeared
before that valor ions prince in a dream and volunteered her service of
sustaining him in his holy office. The Simha price who had seen her Ashtadath
image earlier in the Ramaeswaram temple thanked her soulfully for the
magnanimous gesture extended Unsolicited at it. She kept her word.