attained unprecedented fame as the birth place of Jagadamba, seated on a lotus
sprouting from the navel of Lord Siva. The visitor is stupified at every step
since uniques galore greet him from every frame. The first uniqueness that
strikes his eye is - it is buffeted by Sivaalayas and surprisingly the linga in
one of them is seen in three colours - white. red and yellow with Chandrabindhu,
representing Kaman thatva; and it is believed that this is rare and nowhere such
murti is existing. To the
west of this mandir there is a Siva mandir installed with a strangew icon of
Siva with five faces and four hands holding trisul, kapal, pasa and mudra. This
is another unique feature demanding reverent attention.
An enchanting statue of Mother Jagadamba gleams into sight on
entering the main temple. Its posture and sculpture are indeed superb that no
similar exists any where in the world. There are three statues installed just
below the Mother's murti. The statue of Brahma is the first of the three and he
is seated on a four leafted lotus with Bijaksharas written on each of the leaf.