past is awe-some and legends too are many. On account of its easy accessibility
unlike the Chandi devi and Manasa devi temples, its visitation by pilgrims is
more. They normally cover scores of hoary shrines strewn to the four corner: of
the sprawling pilgrim town before visiting the hill temples. Further, its
antiquity is quite enticing. Regular elaborate prayers are offered everyday
besides the celebration of periodical festivals with great eclat. The deity
dressed and decorated with an eye to refinement lifts the souls at first sight
itself. Though the temples dimensions are diminutive, its appeal is quite
extraordinary. Adjacent to Bhairon shrine lies this ancient temple. Its easy
accessibility to the locals made this a very popular shrine. And according to
one version, the town was once called Mayapuri on account of the glory of this
This is located in the centre of city behind the bus stand to
be precise.