valley, tile greatest asset to the mountain state of Himachal Pradesh is a
treasure house of man made mandirs amidst bounteous beauty of Nature manifested
in spectacular sights of pennial inspiration. The lush green valley set amidst
long ranges of blue hills with snow capped peaks cast an irresistible attraction
on booth theists and tourists equally, since the colourful spectacles of Nature
surrounding the tall steepled temples cater to their respective tastes without
exception. The mountain air surcharged with the fragrance of the flowering trees
to gather with the sublime notes of music wafting from the temple
towers has such an aroma that makes the visitor move oblivious of time and
himself too.
Bajreswari temple deemed one of the best and wealthiest of the Kangra Valley
temples created an unenviable record of eminence for its devotional activities
and congregational prayer services. The archamurti is known for liberal grant
of boons. Kings and philanthropists endowed it so lavishly, that it ignited
jealousy and cupidity in the minds of Mlechchas hopelessly. They invaded it
with huge army and denued it of its spiritual and pecuniary wealth. Not once,
but times many.