The very mention of
Aihole, Badami and Pattadakkal recalls
to the memory, the fantasic world of tall steeples broad prakaras, imposing
mahadwaras surmounting majestic towers and innumerable mini shrines installed
with a wide variety of deities adoring Hindu pantheon. The illustrious Chalukyan
theist kings, it seems fancied to convert the entire sand stone hilly, region
into a celestial city filled the icons of gods of all denominations. Clusters of
monumental temples built for Hindu and Jain gods greet the visitors and
transport them to ethereal worlds. Temples for Siva predominate over the other
sects. The Sakti representations too are many and some of them are still drawing steady streams of devotees and tourists throughout
the year. Among them
the Banasankari and Durga shrines find reverent mention.
The Durga temple though in dilapidated
condition is still exercising its hold
on the devotees by its inimitable sculptural marvels. The
intricately carved Hoyasala Pillar found in this temple complex is a superb
piece of sculpture of perennial fascination.