Chudmani, one of the Tantric treatises, after due discussion and deep research
furnishes 52 Sahkthi-Peethas inclusive of the Asthadasa Sakthi-Peethas, the widely
accepted and largely visited kshetras of our Punya Bharat down the ages. Despite
contradictions still rising their heads, the list of 52 Shakthi-Peetas is
generally accepted for visitation and adoration, both by laymen and savants.
Pilgrimage to them is reverentially undertaken to partaking the bliss they
confer. Lifting the veil of mystery shrouding over them seems to be the staple
food for the sustenance of intellectuals and academicians, and how long their
hair-splitting arguments producing more sound than light continues is not known
to themselves even. Have we to wait? No, Better enter into every mandir for the
drsan of the Mother Sati manifested in multifarious forms and auspicious names
and offer ritualistic worship in consonance with the prevailing traditions of
the locality and time. For us, the spot of the peetha supposed to have blessed
with the falling of Mother's bodily part, and the god-men who installed statues
for public benefit is all the more important than any other factor, since the
divine vibrations emanating from them anoint the bodies and afford a soothing
comfort, if devoutly approached and soulfully prayed for.