is here fell Mother Sati's Brhamarandhra - the fontanels, the supposed quitting
place of soul after death, when Mahavishnu's Sudarsan Chakra spilt the Sati's
corpse borne by Lord Siva during the frenzied Thandavanrithya that made the
planets go off the track and the worlds shook in fear as chaos that developed
all on a sudden and robbed the sanity of the wisest men. The presiding goddess
is called Kotari and the name of kshetrapalaka is Bhimalochana. As exhaustive
information regarding the architecture or sculpture, patrons or endowments are
not given, nothing definite can be given. If the readers understand that it is
sanctified by the presence of a sacred part and pay homage to it, I presume they
are spiritually elevated and physically comforted. Offering mental worship even
fetches merit, according to scriptures. So do what is advocated for your good
and to mankind. The present name of this Sakti-Peeth is Hingala lying on the bank
of Hingosi river and is about 135 km off Karachi in Pakistan Prayers are offered
to a bright jyoti burning and it is equated to Mother's image. Nothing more
about the daily and periodical festivals carried on is furnished.
lies 135 km off Karachi. accessible by four wheelers.